Android Emulator On Macbook M1

Setting up the environment

Dec 04, 2020 This is a preview of some basic Android emulation functionality on the M1. There are still many issues, but apps work at a basic level. To be updated soon with more fixes. Best Android Emulator For Mac to Run Android Apps and Games on your Mac or Macbook. Android Emulators Mac. Top 5 Compilation.

Setup for iOS needs:

  • Node (with NVM)
  • Watchman brew install watchman
  • Xcode (install from the App Store)
  • Xcode Command Line Tools xcode-select --install
  • Accept the Software License for Xcode sudo xcodebuild -license. It'll prompt you anyway when you run Xcode for the first time.
  • CocoaPods sudo gem install cocoapods



Install Homebrew if you don't have it installed already

Node LTS with NVM


Android Emulator On Macbook M1 Plus

  • Open Terminal / iTerm with Rosetta (Get Info > Open using Rosetta)
  • Prefix the CocoaPods related commands with arch -x86_64


Android emulator on macbook m1 plus

Android Emulator On Macbook M1 Download

  • Install JDK 8 brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8
  • Install Android Studio
  • Install Android Emulator for M1

The Android Emulator doesn't work out of the box yet. Luckily, there is a Preview build by Google that supports Apple Silicon M1 chip based MacBooks. You'll have to download and install it separately. Most things work.


  • command not found for brew or nvm. Make sure you have a ~/.zshrc file. On a fresh new M1 MacBook, there is no ~/.zshrc or ~/.zprofile created and the $PATH doesn't get updated because of it. Create a ~/.zshrc file and run the commands to install Homebrew and NVM again.

Add this to you Podfile

Android Emulator On Macbook M1 Pro

Alicia online mac download. Two options: Gm sf2 free download.

Android Emulator On Macbook M1
  • Run on a different port react-native start --port=8088
  • OR find out what program is using 8081 sudo lsof -i :8081 and kill it kill -9 1234
Android Emulator On Macbook M1

incorrect architecture 'x86_64' errors

Android emulator on macbook m1 download

add this to the Podfile

Diskwarrior 10.9.5. run pod install afterwards
