Free Minecraft Server Hosting Software Mac
- Through our user-friendly free Minecraft Server Hosting control panel, you can manage your free Minecraft server. Make Your Own Minecraft Server For Free. By using our control panel you can easily make your own Minecraft server for free. What Our Customers Say Our customers say.
- Hosting a Minecraft server can be a fun, educational, exciting, and even profitable endeavor. First things first, unless you plan to actually install a giant server in your basement and have somebody sitting next to it 24/7, then you'll want to rent that Minecraft server from a professional, which frees you up to actually manage it and play the game and do all that fun stuff.
Why use McMyAdmin?
Free Minecraft Servers. Welcome to the #1 Highest Rated 24/7 Free Minecraft Host. Create your free server in seconds. Minehut - Most Popular Free Minecraft Server. With nearly 2 million accounts, Minehut is the most popular free host for Minecraft servers. With Minehut, you can use 2 free servers that could potentially host up to 500 players. They have a large community that.
More than 75000 Minecraft servers worldwide are powered by McMyAdmin. So what's in it for you?
Security taken seriously
McMyAdmin is the only Minecraft admin panel to undergo independent penetration testing by a CREST approved security specialist.†
We work with Dionach - a leading CREST approved independent information security specialist to ensure that McMyAdmin complies with best security practices and is as secure as possible against potential attacks.
Easy to install, easy to use
No webserver to configure, no database to set up. McMyAdmin includes almost everything you need to get going quickly and with minimal fuss.
Most common administrative tasks can be performed via the friendly user interface, no need to edit text files or write scripts.
Free to try
Free Bedrock Server Hosting
McMyAdmin Personal includes almost all the functionality of McMyAdmin Professional, allowing you to see how great McMyAdmin is before you buy.
See the Editions page to compare versions.
Regular Updates
McMyAdmin has enjoyed the benefit of over 3 years of updates and improvements, and continues to get regular updates to add new features, support new mods or support the latest version of the Minecraft server.
We Listen
Anyone can suggest new features or changes they'd like to see in McMyAdmin via our support page. If it gets enough votes, we start looking at how it can be brought on board. So far we've brought on over 60 user suggestions into McMyAdmin.
Manage from anywhere
You can administer your server from anywhere with an internet connection. The McMyAdmin user interface works great on tablets, or you can use the McMyAdmin Mobile app* for iOS. (And we've got an Android version on the way!)
Great for hosts
Free Minecraft Server Hosting Software Mac Os
No complex licencing systems or provisioning requirements. McMyAdmin is easy to manage in either VPSs or shared-hosting environments. Fully configurable via command line arguments for ease of deployment. Works on both Windows Server and GNU/Linux based servers.
Minecraft Server Mod Manager
Reduce server costs
McMyAdmin has a unique server sleeping feature not found in any other control panel. It allows you to save resources by stopping the Minecraft server, but still be able to accept players. When a player connects, the server is woken up. The entire process is quick, seamless, fully automated, and turned on with just a single setting.
Minecraft Server Manage
Reduce support costs
Users can perform most common administrative tasks such as performing updates, installing plugins or changing the server configuration without ever having to touch a configuration file, it's all kept plain and simple. This translates into fewer support requests and less downtime from user issues.